A book for children affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after birth
This beautifully illustrated book was created in loving memory of all babies gone too soon. The author knows from personal experience just how painful it is for a family to have to say goodbye to a precious little one and how difficult it can be to explain what happened to any living children affected. Anyone supporting children affected by the death of a baby can use this book as a way to provide a more positive focus and to help remember these precious little people with love and pride.
Joel The Complete Package has very generously supported this book coming into being, and all money raised through sales will be used to help them continue the wonderful work they do supporting families through the heartache of losing a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death.
You can get in touch to request a handwritten dedication to a baby or babies gone too soon, as well as a dedication addressed to living children if required.
Bulk orders (at wholesale prices or eligible for discount) can be placed directly through Joel The Complete Package or via These Precious Little People - please GET IN TOUCH for further details.
ISBN: 978-1-80049-019-2